Resume and Interview Training

Jumpstart your Career with Resume and Interview Coaching Services

Whether you’re a recent college graduate looking to establish your career or a seasoned professional looking to make a transition, it’s all about presentation. From the resume you’ll be sending out to the final handshake as you leave the interview, Latman Advisory Services is committed to helping you each step of the way.

Craft a Strategic Resume with the Guidance of Skilled Coaches

Among the hundreds of resumes that an organization may receive, you have about 30 seconds to make an impression. Needless to say, crafting an effective resume is not as easy as it sounds.

Knowing what to include—and what to not to include—can make or break your chances of landing the interview. Intimidating, yes, but that’s where Latman Advisory Services comes in. By taking an in-depth look at the specific career goals of each client, our coaches can help you develop a strategic resume that is both powerful and effective.

Interview Training to Hone your Presentation Skills

It is unfortunately very common for many candidates to assume they can “wing” an interview. On the contrary, being a successful interviewee requires thoughtful preparation.

Our interview training coaches understand what interviewers are looking for and can help you gain the confidence you need to make an interview feel like less of an interrogation and more like a discussion. Through mock interviews, you can learn what kind questions may be asked, how to discuss gaps in employment, as well as proper attire and body language.

Gain the confidence you need to land the position you’re after by calling us at 201-919-2607 or contacting us online.